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The Visual Components of Your Brand: Why Your Web Design & Logo Matter

Before you can begin thinking about the visual components of your brand, you need to think about the internal aspects. We covered this in our last blog:

Once you’ve laid this foundation, you can move to the external parts of your brand that are the first thing people see when they encounter your company. 

A solid business is thoughtfully designed and created with a purpose: to provide a strong foundation for your future success. So far, we've discussed these aspects of your brand:

  • understanding your mission, values, and purpose
  • determining what you do and how you do it
  • eliminating what you don't want to be known for
  • creating the perception you want people to have about your business

We consider these elements the foundation of your business. Although not always visible, they are indispensable, and they’re the thing that keeps you moving. Once they are in place, you can begin to think about the more visual parts of your business: namely: your logo and your website. 

The Exterior: The Visible Features

A strong brand also consists of visible features: the materials and style that shape its outward appearance. These aspects serve a purpose:

  • protecting your business from external challenges
  • keeping everything cohesive and unified
  • showcasing your style and personality

For small business owners, the visual aspects of your brand serve specific purposes:

  • clearly identifying the look and feel you want for your brand
  • allowing people to see your personality and uniqueness
  • maintaining a clear identity of what you are and what you are not
  • helping your brand withstand external pressures

For the sake of clarity, we'll focus on your website and logo. If you need help brainstorming your brand and its portrayal, download our Branding Mind Map by clicking the button below.

Logo: Your Brand's Visual Identity

Your logo acts as a visual identifier for your brand, setting you apart from competitors. Just as you associate a person's face with their character, people create associations with a brand upon seeing its logo.

Now that we've established the importance of your logo, let's look at how to design it effectively to help your brand succeed. Keep these tips in mind:

  • feel: your logo should reflect your brand's personality. Are you serious and all business? Practical? Fun and playful? Efficient?
  • colors: colors can instantly influence moods and emotions. Choose a color that represents your brand and industry.
  • font: the font, size, spacing, and orientation all convey something about your brand. Ensure the font you use accurately reflects your business.
  • symbolism: memorable logos often creatively communicate what a business does. If you can achieve this while maintaining a simple, beautiful design, go for it.
  • simplicity: a simple design is easier for people to remember who you are and what you do.
  • usability: versatile logos look good in color, black and white, and different orientations and sizes. Ensure your logo works well on your website, as a tiny favicon, a profile image, and on company merchandise.

Invest time and care in your logo since it plays a significant role in your brand. But don't be afraid to tweak it if needed - you'll be in good company.

Website: Your Brand's Online Home

In today's digital world, your website serves as the online home for your brand. It's where potential customers get their first impression of your business. With attention spans shorter than ever, visitors can quickly decide whether they love or leave your brand based on your website. Your website plays such a crucial role in your brand and marketing efforts that we will revisit this topic extensively in future posts. For now, here are a few key factors to consider when designing your site:

  1. Simplicity: Keep your website design clean and straightforward. Think of it as a well-organized storefront that displays only essential items. Choose easy-to-read fonts, use contrasting colors, and ensure that every graphic serves a purpose.
  2. User experience: Make your website easy to navigate and user-friendly. By providing a seamless experience, you keep visitors on your site longer and encourage them to return.
  3. Creativity: A visually appealing and innovative design captures the attention of your visitors. In the online world, holding someone's attention is a valuable asset.
  4. Content: Engaging, concise, and honest content will keep your visitors interested and informed. Make sure your content aligns with your brand values and speaks to your target audience.
  5. Responsiveness: A responsive website design that looks and functions well on all devices is crucial for retaining visitors. If your website isn't user-friendly on smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktops, you risk losing potential customers.
  6. Trust your guide: As part of our commitment to small business owners like you, we offer our expertise in creating a website that attracts users and converts them from first-time visitors to loyal customers. Are you interested in working with us to develop a website that truly represents your brand? Let's connect and make it happen!