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Mastering Facebook for Your Small Business

As a platform that has been around for almost 20 years, Facebook has become a mixed bag for many people. Depending on your experience, your relationship with Facebook could swing from love to hate pretty quickly. But while it might be tempting to write Facebook off as a place for your Grandma to share memes and photos from her book club, don’t give up on this platform too quickly. 

With almost 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook is still the most popular social platform around. And unlike other platforms, it performs pretty well in search. If you’ve ever searched for “farmers market near me,” it’s a safe bet that at least one of the top results on the first page of your search was a link to a Facebook page. 

For small businesses, Facebook can be an effective tool for building an audience, generating leads, and helping people find your business. The trick is to use it well. Lucky for you, that’s exactly what we’re talking about here today. 

Setting Clear Goals on Facebook

Before diving into the best practices for using Facebook as a business, it's really important to find, identify and understand your goals. What do you want to achieve with your page? Is it brand awareness, lead generation, customer feedback, or community building? 

Your answer to this question will determine your strategy for content, engagement, and ads. If your goal is to push traffic to your website, you must create posts encouraging people to click on links to blogs, landing pages, and more. If your goal is to generate more calls to your business, make sure your number is on your profile page and that you are including it in your posts. 

No matter what your intended outcome is with Facebook, it’s important that what you’re doing is measurable. Setting clear and measurable goals ensures that your efforts on Facebook are worthwhile and yield tangible results.

Best Practices for Effective Facebook Business Management

  1. Optimize Your Facebook Profile: First impressions count. From your profile picture and cover photo to the 'About' section, every element should be cohesive and offer valuable information about your business. Focus on including the kind of information your customers want to know: who are you? What are your hours? How does someone contact you (include your phone number, email, etc)? 
  2. Create a Content Calendar: Consistency is key to keeping your audience engaged. Mapping out your content calendar in advance helps you be strategic in what you’re sharing and whether or not you’re hitting your goals. So many business owners will start out sharing content, then eventually slow down until their page becomes inactive for months at a time. Planning out your content in advance not only ensures a steady flow of posts but also allows for strategic timing based on your audience's online habits.
  3. Mix Up Your Content Types: Creating a content calendar will help you avoid monotony. Offering your audience a variety of content will keep them engaged and increases the likelihood of your content being shared. Going “live” with stories and videos, sharing polls, and offering looks behind the scenes will earn your audience’s attention and increase the chances they take the action you want them to take. 
  4. Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC): There's a certain authenticity to content created by your customers. Encourage them to share reviews, testimonials, or even just photos of them using your product or service. Not only does UGC build trust, but it also fosters a sense of community among your customers.
  5. Dive into Facebook Insights: Data should drive everything you do. By regularly reviewing your Facebook performance (either through Facebook Insights or another tool for collecting data), you can understand which content resonates, the best times to post, and the demographics of your engaged audience. Use this information to refine your strategy, ensuring that you're consistently delivering content that hits the mark.

Generating Quality Leads via Facebook

Having great content on your Facebook page is…well, great. But the entire point of using Facebook is to actually grow your business. Ultimately, this needs your page needs to be generating leads. Here are just a few of the ways you can use Facebook to turn your audience into potential customers. 

  1. Share Links to Your Website: Having a super engaged audience on Facebook is definitely valuable, but having an audience that is engaged with your website is priceless. Push your audience to your website. That’s where the magic happens and you have the ability to turn their attention into actual consideration. 
  2. Create Mobile-Optimized Landing Pages: Sharing content is only half the battle. Some of the traffic you push to your website need to be going to landing pages where you can capture your audience’s attention (and email address). When users click through to your site, their experience should be seamless. Ensure your landing pages are not only relevant to the content shared but also optimized for mobile use, given the vast majority of Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices.
  3. Use Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Every post should have a purpose. Whether you're sharing a blog, a product, or an announcement, always incorporate a clear CTA to guide users to the next step. Phrases like "Learn More", "Book Now", or "Contact Us" can make all the difference in converting a passive viewer into an active lead.
  4. Promote Webinars and Live Events: Hosting an event like a webinar, concert, fundraiser, etc.? Promote it on Facebook using the 'Events' feature. Not only does this increase visibility, but it also provides a platform for potential attendees to ask questions, engage with content, and even share the event with their network. Capturing interest before the event can be instrumental in converting attendees into quality leads.
  5. Encourage Audience Engagement: Ask your audience questions, respond to comments and messages, and thank them for sharing your stuff. Many of us are guilty of browsing social platforms somewhat on autopilot, but if you encourage your audience to engage with what you’re sharing, you’ll begin noticing that they respond (and so do their friends!). 

Diving into Facebook Ads

Now, it’s time for us to hit the nitty-gritty of Facebook. The truth is, with so many users, you’re far from the first business to think about using this platform for growth. When you combine the competition you face with the way Facebook is constantly updating its algorithm to try and keep users scrolling, it’s clear you need a way to help your business stand out. 

Enter: Facebook Ads. Here are some things you should consider to help you get the most out of every cent you spend:

  • Identify Your Ad's Primary Goal: Before crafting your ad, pinpoint its main objective. Are you looking to increase your page likes so more people are exposed to your content organically? Or is the intent to drive traffic to a specific landing page, or perhaps a sign-up form? Having a clear goal will inform your ad design, content, and call-to-action, ensuring a higher success rate.
  • Retargeting with Facebook Pixel: Ever wondered how that pair of shoes you browsed earlier suddenly appears in an ad? That's the magic of retargeting. By installing Facebook's Pixel on your website, you can 'follow' visitors around the internet. It's not just about reminding them of what they left behind; it's about personalizing their experience and improving conversion rates. In essence, it’s giving your brand another shot at making a lasting impression.
  • Capitalize on Video Ads: The saying 'a picture is worth a thousand words' might need an update in the Facebook era. Videos are fast becoming the favored form of content consumption. With video ads, you can convey more emotion, tell a more compelling story, and create a deeper connection with your audience. Remember to keep it engaging, authentic, and direct to the point.
  • Carousel Ads – A Multi-Story Approach: Carousel ads are like mini storybooks. They allow you to showcase multiple products or weave a brand narrative that unfolds with each swipe. This format is versatile and interactive, encouraging users to engage with each card, whether it’s showcasing a product range or telling a step-by-step brand story.
  • The Power of A/B Testing: Not every ad will resonate with your audience in the same way. It's imperative to test and iterate. With A/B testing, you can serve two versions of an ad to different segments of your audience and analyze which performs better. By understanding what clicks with your audience, you can refine your strategy for maximum impact.

Incorporating these techniques into your Facebook advertising strategy can drastically elevate your brand's visibility and engagement. Remember, it's not just about reaching a vast audience; it's about reaching the right audience. And Facebook Ads can help that audience find you.

Navigating Facebook requires a blend of art and science. From crafting compelling posts to analyzing your data, the journey demands creativity and precision. However, the rewards, in terms of brand visibility, community loyalty, and conversion rates, can make it all worthwhile. By tapping into these strategies, businesses can transform their Facebook page from a mere social presence into a lead-generation powerhouse. Remember, the goal isn't just to get a 'like' or a 'share'; it's to engage meaningfully with potential customers and guide them further down the sales funnel.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t. Flatland is here to ensure your business extracts the maximum benefit from Facebook. Tailored strategies, expert guidance, and a results-driven approach await. Elevate your business to new heights.
Reach out to Flatland now!