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Are You Believing These 10 Digital Marketing Myths?

It’s no secret that digital marketing has evolved at almost the speed of light. One consequence of having something change so rapidly is that it can lead to a lot of misunderstanding and confusion. And often, that misunderstanding and confusion can lead to some myths that many of us begin believing as facts. 

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a small business owner looking to dive into the digital marketing world, it's important to separate fact from fiction. Here, we bust 15 of the most common digital marketing myths to set the record straight.

1. Digital Marketing is Only for Big Brands 

Contrary to popular belief, digital marketing isn't just for large companies. Regardless of your company’s size, you can benefit from having an intentional strategy for your online presence. Digital tools allow companies of all sizes to connect with their audience effectively, often on a budget. Remember, it's not about the size; it's how you use the tools at your disposal.

2. Digital Marketing Replaces Traditional Marketing 

While digital marketing has become an essential tool in our modern era, that doesn’t mean traditional marketing channels are ineffective. Whether it's billboards, networking events, or a mailout, combining both approaches can lead to a holistic, omnichannel strategy, seamlessly integrating into customers' lifestyles. The most critical thing here is that you must know your ideal customer. Knowing their preferences, habits, and needs will help you identify where and how to best capture their attention.

3. Paid Ads are the Ultimate Solution 

You’re seeing paid and digital ads everywhere you look now. While we run the risk of repeating ourselves throughout this blog, it’s critical to stress that these are something that must be approached with a strategy. Running a Facebook ad won’t guarantee you customers. Buying PPC ads won’t for sure result in hundreds of visitors to your website. Having a strategy for these ads means you know the intended purpose of each ad, you’ve designed it to appeal to your ideal customer, and you have a plan for the action you want the user to take. For instance, if you’re sending them to your website, make sure the page is highly optimized for their visit. Effective digital marketing isn't just about attracting visitors but keeping them engaged.

4. Social Media is the Only Channel 

Yes, social media is really important. With billions of people spending hours on these platforms, it’s wise for a business to connect with its audience there. But, social media isn't the sole player in the digital marketing game. From email marketing to search engine optimization, several channels might even outperform social media depending on your target audience and industry.

Again, your success depends on you intimately knowing your ideal customer and their preferences. This will help you focus your efforts where they have the greatest chance of success. On social media, you can focus on the channel(s) that will see the greatest return, and not waste time on the next big thing. 

5. Digital Marketing Guarantees Instant Results

All of us are guilty of hoping for silver bullets. From weight loss to grocery shopping to cleaning our homes, we are constantly looking for the fastest way to achieve the results we want. And we all do the same thing with our marketing. Very few marketing techniques or strategies will work overnight. They all require time, patience, and consistent effort. Achievements like brand awareness, high search engine rankings, or a robust social media presence don't happen overnight. But if you are willing to consistently put in the work, you will see results. 

6. Email Marketing is Dead (or Just Spam)

When done right, email marketing is a highly effective tool for building brand awareness, engaging your audience, nurturing your relationship with a lead, and encouraging sales. Unlike other distribution channels, such as ads or social, you have a much higher chance of earning your audience’s attention. The trick lies in making sure you use this tool well: creating personalized emails, offering valuable content, and creating subject lines that encourage your contacts to open your email. 

7. Negative Online Reviews are a Death Sentence 

As a business owner, negative reviews are something you will experience. Rather than fearing them, or trying to hide from them, why not see them as an opportunity for growth? Constructive criticism can provide insights into areas where your business genuinely does need to improve. Handling complaints well can turn a disgruntled customer into a brand advocate, and handling negative reviews and feedback graciously allows potential customers to trust you in a way they might not have otherwise. 

8. Digital Marketing is Easy 

This goes hand in hand with #5 above, but one of the biggest myths about digital marketing is that it is easy. Don’t believe the myth that, “If you put it online, your leads will come”. Digital marketing requires effort, time, expertise, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior and industry trends. While there are great tools that will help you automate your marketing efforts, that ease of use doesn’t mean digital marketing is easy. But you’re a small business owner. You already understand that anything great is worth taking the time and effort to make it happen. 

9. Digital Marketing is Only About Sales 

Digital marketing should be about driving revenue for your business. But it shouldn’t JUST be about driving revenue. Your marketing should build brand awareness and strong relationships with customers, while also offering value. As you consistently engage your audience, you want to focus on generating the right leads. It's far better to have 100 website visitors with a 10% conversion rate than 1,000 visitors with a 1% conversion rate.

10. SEO is a One-Time Effort 

SEO isn't a "set it and forget it" strategy. As search engines update their algorithms and consumer behaviors shift, strategies must adapt. Sometimes it feels like you would have better odds of being struck by lightning twice than being able to pinpoint exactly what makes Google’s algorithm tick, but there are a few things we do know. We know that Google appreciates “fresh” content – which is why blogging, posting on social, and regularly updating your website are important. We also know that Google respects links to your website (again, creating strong, valuable content will help you earn these links). And, we also know that Google is working daily to make sure valuable, relevant content gets more attention than less-worthy content that attempts “tricks” or “easy ways out”. 

Digital marketing is a dynamic, ever-evolving field. By debunking these myths, we hope to provide clarity and help businesses navigate their digital journey more effectively. Remember, the heart of every successful marketing strategy is understanding your audience's needs and addressing them carefully and generously.

Of course, if you decide it’s time to call in a partner, we would love to earn your trust.